New Teacher Alert!



My name is Shenae Richards and I will be the new teacher in the EES program. I recently completed by education degree and have always had a love for special education. I am very patient, outgoing, open-minded and determined to see my students' progresses throughout the school year.  

The wonderful Miss. Heather will no longer be with us. We are sad to see her go, but a huge congratulations to her on her new journey. As I will be talking over Miss.Heather's classroom, I will like to share a bit about myself. 

I have a background in teacher special education. I am a former employee as STA (Society for Treatment of Autism), I was also an employee at Centre for Autism, did many hours of respite care with children with special needs, and lastly completely my recent practicum in an EES program where I further received a contract to stay at that location for the remainder of the school year. I am grateful to be here and work alongside with my new set of students and to finally show off my experiences and love for special education.

As I am in the process in building relationships with the students, and working hard with Heather for this to be a smooth transition for the students, this week was mainly about observations, and identifying likes and dislikes of each individual student. Students loved the small library in the Pitt stop area, and also loved the puzzle activates which were high forms of interests in the classroom. 
We also continued on working on our predictive writing. Students did an AMAZING job! I am so impressed with all of their work and efforts. 

Lastly, some reminders for the remainder of the month:

September 21  - Fire Drill 

September 22 - Terry Fox Run

September 23 - Virtual meet the teacher

September 24 - Virtual meet the teacher 

September 29 - Orange Shirt Day

September 30 - No school in recognition for National Day for Truth & Reconciliation



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