
End of Year

 Hello parents,  The last day of school is on Tuesday June 28th.  Hello parents! This closing of one door and the opening of another. I want to thank each child for all the warmth, the memories, and the learning that we have shared this school year. To my students, I say THANK YOU! For when I teach, I also learn. This past year, we have grown together, played together, and in all, we are one big family. Regardless if you are leaving and on to great things for the upcoming year, or if you will be back for September. We are still a big family. A little bit of each of you will always be with me. Always strive to be the BEST that you can be! To the parents, I say THANK YOU for allowing me to be your child's teacher. It has been a wonderful and rewarding year for me.  Have a great summer, and to those who are leaving, I hope to keep in touch.  -Mrs.Shenae Parents, report cards will be available on June 28th.  Thank you.

May Is Half Complete!!

 Hello parents! It has been a while since the last blog post. A lot has happened within the last few weeks but very few changes. Since the last post, we have welcomed a new friend in the classroom and we have been so excited to see a new face in the classroom environment!  In Science, we have started to learn all about the butterfly life span. We are currently awaiting our caterpillars to arrive, but we have been introduces to learning what is a butterfly, what do they look like, and the lifespan from an egg to an adult. Students' tasks were to cut and paste the butterfly life span in order from an egg to an adult.  In math, we are practicing numbers to objects. Students have been using the online website called "Boom Cards" which is an interactive website that allows students to come up and practice their math/ LA etc goals as whole group, small group, and individual work times.  Additionally, we have been going on community walks to practice our road safety on the ...

Happy April

 Hello parents!  It is already April and the school year is going so fast. March was quite the busy month and I happy to finally update you on what we have been doing so far in the classroom. Students has completed their Social Studies flip books which is available for viewing on your child's Iris account. It is nice to know that all students were able to identify their own homes. Please head over to to Iris to take a look! This week, we have started planting our own beans in the classroom. We are now learning about living and non-living things as well as the differences between plants and animals. We had so much fun learning about the need of plants and animals to survive. We talked more specifically on water, sun and food for plants to survive. We then created our own bean plant cups and will track the growth of our beans for the next 14 days.  In art this week, we worked on decorating boiled eggs and tried our best to keep the egg in one shape. Surprisingly, all the st...

Life Long Learning

 Hello families!  Thank you for checking in for this week's blog. For the last 2 weeks, we have been working on primary and secondary colours. We engaged in many different experiments like the skittles experiment, walking water experiment and experimenting with different colours that are not primary and secondary colours. We also participated in mixing colours with paint, and food colouring and came to a conclusion that paint mixes better than food colouring. We also concluded that hot water creates a faster effect than cold water as we performed out skittles experiment. Check out some of the pictures below! In gym, we have been working on gymnastics! Students found out how flexible they really are as they participated in gymnastics moves like: rolling, crawling, jumping, different forms of stretches etc. We were all surprised on what we can and cannot do.  This was was also Pink Shirt day! Thank you parents for allowing your child to wear pink on this special day. As a c...

Week of Jan 28 - Feb 4

 Hello Families!  Hope everyone had an amazing week. I am so happy to have more than 90 percent of the class back with us in the classroom environment. For the past two weeks, we have continued with the 5 senses and slowly got back into routine after being online. When speaking on the 5 senses, we scanned through magazines and worked on looking through pictures that aimed towards our sense of taste and the s ense of smell. Students did so well in taking their time looking through the photos and gluing them in their journals. Check out some of the photos below!  This week, we also worked on a fun art project. As we all know, Monday was Chinese New Year. We spent some time reading all about the Lunar Year, and completed an art project in making Chinese Lanterns. We were all able to sit in our chairs and follow step by step in completion of the art. We had 5 minutes to complete each step. Our lanterns turned out so well!  Lastly, we started Drum Fit in gym this week! S...

Thank you for you support

 Hello everyone!  This week has been a very difficult week. I want to start off by thanking everyone for their patience and continued support as we transitioned this week to online learning. This week before going online, as well as last week, we started the five senses in literacy. We are learning about the body parts that we use to smell, hear, taste, touch, and see. We were engaged in playing a game called "iSpy" and participated in community walks as we talked about how we are using our 5 senses.  Students enjoyed using their noses to smell the trees, using their eyes to look for a particular object on the screen, using their ears to hear the cars drive by, using their mouth to taste their snacks, and using their hands to touch the snow. We were also involved in messy play this week as we worked on setting up our table trifolds to help us concentrate more during our tasks. Surprisingly, students did not get as messy as I thought they would, but we tied this to the sen...

Christmas Break

 Hello all,  Christmas break is finally here and it is now time to take a breath, and enjoy precious time with our loved ones. This week was filled with giving and receiving little things that means well to each other. Our second EES teacher - Mr. Hogan, brought in a game so that we could play with one another before we start our Christmas break. We had so much fun as we worked on turn taking, and waiting patiently. We also did many types of Christmas art this week. We made a type of present art where students were able to make AB patterns, while also working on their gluing, pasting and cutting skills. Check out the picture the below on the final outcome. We also made a Christmas tree art where we spelt out names to create our trees, of course, with the star on top.  Lastly, we worked on fine motor as we handed out different forms of activities to help with students zipping, buttoning, tying their personal items like - zipping up their bag-packs, tying their show laces, ...