End of Year

 Hello parents, 

The last day of school is on Tuesday June 28th. 

Hello parents!

This closing of one door and the opening of another. I want to thank each child for all the warmth, the memories, and the learning that we have shared this school year. To my students, I say THANK YOU! For when I teach, I also learn. This past year, we have grown together, played together, and in all, we are one big family. Regardless if you are leaving and on to great things for the upcoming year, or if you will be back for September. We are still a big family. A little bit of each of you will always be with me. Always strive to be the BEST that you can be!

To the parents, I say THANK YOU for allowing me to be your child's teacher. It has been a wonderful and rewarding year for me. 

Have a great summer, and to those who are leaving, I hope to keep in touch. 


Parents, report cards will be available on June 28th. 

Thank you.


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