10 More Days!


Christmas break is right around the corner! I hope everyone is looking forward to the holidays. This week, we celebrated Honukkah. We learned about the meaning behind this holiday, and how it may be different from other holidays. We read a book on Epic called "Grover's Hanukkah Party". We then did an art activity on Friday as we talking about the candles and the Menorah. We got a little messy in the classroom! But mess is fun, and engaging which is why I love what I do. 

In math this week, we focused on number identification an counting through the use of exploring with dominoes. We all took turn with a Boom Learning activity we did as a whole group, before we split off to do our independent math tasks. This week, we will continue to focus on number recognition through interactive games and activities. 

In the first picture below, students' tasks were to shade in the amount of circles that was asked above. If the number of "4," students were to shade in only 4 circles. There was minimum support for this task, so that I am able to assess students' understanding of the given tasks. In the second picture, students were to glue the number after counting the domino dots. Again, minimum level of support was provided. 

Lastly,  we went to the library on Friday! Students returned and signed out new books under their library card number. We have been teaching students to take good care of their items at school and at home. Learning about responsibilities from a young age will benefit them as they get older. This is a great learning opportunity for all students in any grade. We then read quietly with a teacher for 20 minutes until it was time to clean up. 

Upcoming Dates:

Dec 6, 7, 8 - Saa’Kokoto & Karen back at Tuscany 

Dec 10 - Fun Snack 

Dec 16 - Fun Lunch

Dec 17 -  Last Day of classes – pajama day (keep in mind we still go outside for recess – wear layers)

Jan 4, 2022 - School resumes


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