Ongoing Growth

Hello all! I hope everyone had a fantastic week. This week was filled with success and growth. In math, we worked on telling time. However, students cannot begin to tell time until they are able to identify and recognize numbers from 1-12. We stepped on the breaks, and decided to practice our counting using the classroom clock. We did many Boom Learning activities on the smart board which engaged the students throughout the week! 

In LA, we continued our predictable writing. This week, we decided to switch it up a bit, and did a song themed reading approach, instead of a read aloud. The chosen song was "Hickory, Dicory, Dock!" Students took turns at the smartbaord, listening to the song, and pulling the animal up and down the clock. Check out the photos above of students being involved in this activity. 

Additionally, we have started to have sensory play in the classroom environment. Who does not like sensory play?! Yes, it can get messy, but teachers and students LOVES messy. Students are able to interact with each other, enjoy the one on one moments inside the classroom, smile, laugh and have fun. As long as we pull those sleeves up, everything will be okay. 

This week, as we went for our daily walks around the community, we stopped, examined and noticed a bird's nest! We also talked about what types of animals lives in bird nests, the name of the bird, and the food it may eat. We also talked about the nest as a home and compared the nest to the home we live in. Students enjoyed talking about the differences and similarities of the bird nests' home vs our own home, and how they might be similar. It was a definite learning experience. 

Upcomming events

- I will be away from October 16 - 23 
- IPPs have been sent home and the students who were absent on Friday will have these sent hoe next week. 
- Fire Drill practice on Tuesday 
- Lockdown Practice on Friday



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