One step at a time...

 Hello all! 

Another great buy busy week! There were lots of learning this with recognizing the Canadian coins, transitions, and sentence structures. 

First, let us talk about how successful numeracy was this week. Students were introduced to the coins of Canada. We first introduced the $2 coin, $1 coin, 5c, 10c, and 25c coins as well. We played and enjoyed many kinds of interactive activities throughout the 3 weeks to help with the understanding of each coin and the differences between them.

 As a big event, with the help of our support staff, we created a Tim Hortons shop in our cafeteria where students had the opportunity to order donuts or Timbits using the Canadian coins. Students who are non-verbal successfully pointed at the picture of the item they would like to order to communicate to the cashier on the donut they would like. Students who are verbal successfully used their words and said "I want ___ please." They all did extremely well, and I am so excited to share some of the photos taken from the event! 

Next, we worked more on our Predictive writing. This week was a Thanksgiving theme week. We read the book "I Give Thanks" and guided students to share what they are thankful either verbally, or through the use of visuals. Some focused of sentence structure, knowing when to put a period, comma, or an exclamation mark. While others focused on cutting their words a part and re-creating their sentences glued in their books. Next week, we will start a new book for our predictable writings.

With all that said, students have been very patient and has started to get the hang of the classroom touring, changes, and started to get comfortable with other peer in the class.  Relationship building is my main priority in this area and without this piece, as well as for learning to occur, spending one on one time throughout the day with each student has been an area of focus this week. Thank you everyone for their continued support.  

Upcoming events for the following week. 

- Student photo day on Wednesday October 13 

- IPPs going home for signatures in the last week of October

- Booking of IPP meetings this week to review your child's goals

- Starting Saturday October 16, I will be absent until the 23rd.

Happy Thanksgiving!



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