Getting In The Routine! YAY


I hope everyone is having a fantastic week! Thank you for attending the open house! I hope the information that was provided was beneficial and created some comfort for the school year. 

This week was a busy week for us, getting used to the routine, changes, and a new face in the classroom. We have been working on new literacy/ numeracy and life skills in the classroom. We have also started fine motor, where students are able to practice different skills such as transferring objects to the opposite hand, placing pegs on a peg board, placing clothespins on a line, and colouring within the boundaries. It has been a challenge, but we are always up for a good challenge! 
This week, we have also worked on literacy skills. Since this is only the end of the second week. I am observing how students does does in this area. We have enjoyed our literacy times by watching engaging songs on the otters of the alphabet, we have also started to be involved in interactive activities on the Smart board in tracing and trouncing the first letter of a name, item or place. We  have also went ahead to create our alphabet letter dinosaurs! 

In knowing that this is ONLY the end of the second week, students has been doing amazing well. Communication will always be a goal to area on is any setting. Therefore, including interactive activities such as "Make A Cake" where student go up to the smart board one at a time, and has the choice of choosing which item they would like on their cake. This been successful all week. 


As a team, we are taking it one step at a time. We are getting in the new routine, and the students have been doing well with the new changes. I am happy with how things are going so far, and i am looking forward to a another new successful week. 

Upcoming Events for the week!

Every year on September 30th, people across Canada wear orange and participate in Orange Shirt Day events to recognize and raise awareness about the history and legacies of the residential school system in Canada. Since September 30th will be no school, to support this, we are asking students and the school community to wear an Orange Shirt on Wednesday September 29th. Thank you! 


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