Getting in the Groove!

This week was full of new routines, changes, and relationship building. Students have been adjusting well and I am happy with how well they all did this week. We have been reading a lot of social stories to help the flow of the classroom. Some examples include social stories on:
- A change in routine.
- In the school bus.
- Stopping at a stop sign.
- Listening to the teacher.

This week we also worked on our predictable writing. We started off by reading a book titled "My heart Fills with Happiness." Students enjoys story time. After we read our book, using a communication core board that I made, students went in circles by pointing out what fills their hearts with happiness. Some examples were:

- Food fills my heart with happiness. 

- Friends fills my heart with happiness. 

- Teacher fills my heart with happiness. 

On Monday, we will cut up our sentences into individual words, and glue them down in our sketch books. We will then colour our pictures that we said that fills our hearts with happiness, then create our sketch books! 

This week, we also did something special by recognizing and raising awareness about the history and legacies of the residential school system in Canada. We went ahead by choosing words, or sentences to put on our t-shit paper art. Students came up to the smart board individually and pointed out which words, sentence or phrases they would like to choose. We then cut the shirts out and coloured it orange. They all did amazing! We were so excited to show our art on the bulletin board outside of our classroom. 

We also worked on emotions and feelings this week. Recognizing that it is okay to be upset, angry, or even frustrated. But, ensuring that we can communicate our emotions and feelings in the most appropriate way. We did an activity where we drew our emotions on a paper on how we were currently feeling. Some were happy, and some stated that they were tired. Next week, we will talk about which colours goes with which emotions/ feeling. 

We have a fun week ahead of us and we are so excited to share our learning with you!


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