Life Long Learning
Hello families! Thank you for checking in for this week's blog. For the last 2 weeks, we have been working on primary and secondary colours. We engaged in many different experiments like the skittles experiment, walking water experiment and experimenting with different colours that are not primary and secondary colours. We also participated in mixing colours with paint, and food colouring and came to a conclusion that paint mixes better than food colouring. We also concluded that hot water creates a faster effect than cold water as we performed out skittles experiment. Check out some of the pictures below! In gym, we have been working on gymnastics! Students found out how flexible they really are as they participated in gymnastics moves like: rolling, crawling, jumping, different forms of stretches etc. We were all surprised on what we can and cannot do. This was was also Pink Shirt day! Thank you parents for allowing your child to wear pink on this special day. As a c...